Objective Details

To generate knowledge and evidence that support a more localised and equitable humanitarian system
To generate knowledge and evidence that support a more localised and equitable humanitarian system

inSights aims to expand understanding of power and knowledge transfer in the humanitarian system, with a specific focus on the Bangladesh ecosystem through collaboration with local, national, and international humanitarian actors, fostering partnerships based on equality, transparency, responsibility, and mutual benefit. We prioritise knowledge exchange, and capacity building, and integrate local and global best practices to achieve effective and contextually relevant humanitarian outcomes while respecting the strengths and leadership of local partners. We believe and value diversity and the knowledge, and expertise of people and partners and their ideas and perspectives.


Works under this objective: 

To equip local humanitarian actors both people and organisations with professional skills and competencies, procedures and resources.

In order to ensure vulnerable people have access to high-quality aid and protection, inSights is committed to empowering humanitarian actors and building a professional community to deliver responsible aid. We aim to establish professionalism into the local humanitarian aid workers by providing our innovations and belief - “Humanitarian aid work is no more a well-intentioned volunteer or amateur work, not just a job. It’s a mission, it’s a passion, it’s a profession”. We mobilise humanitarian workers, throughout their careers, in Bangladesh by creating and providing the appropriate online, offline, and blended trainings (contextualised and need-based) in order to improve their practise and evolvement. Along with improving skills and competencies of local humanitarian aid workers, inSights contribute to optimise local and national organisations’ operational capacities, and impart professionalism in working and management structure.


Explore the evidences here: 


To equip local humanitarian actors both people and organisations with professional skills and competencies, procedures and resources.
To identify practical opportunities and solutions that support better bridges between humanitarian and development actions
To identify practical opportunities and solutions that support better bridges between humanitarian and development actions

inSights fervently believes that humanitarian assistance, development programmes and peacebuilding are not sequential processes but to happen simultaneously. The synchronised process builds more resilient and sustainable local and national systems. For this, inSights fortifies conceptual clarity of humanitarian actors and stakeholders, based on local, national and international experiences, lessons learnt and good practises. We, thus, invest in the capacity of partners and stakeholders to enable shared analysis, design and delivery of transformative nexus programmes. Our work includes developing data products, analysis and knowledge, creating and documenting the evidence of success for decision makers and practitioners. These will support them obtaining more agile, timely and predictable funding.

To support the business sector to integrate disaster risk management, including business continuity, into business models and practises through disaster-risk informed business and investments.

This objective primarily focuses on risk-informed investment, rather than financing for disaster risk reduction or disaster risk finance. Enhancing the resilience of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is a prioritised area of our actions. Instrumentalising our experiences and expertise, we produce pragmatic innovation and evidence, good practises on risk to inform decision-making processes. Our actions include advancing awareness and knowledge of business continuity and its processes as part of overall efforts for building business resilience.

To support the business sector to integrate disaster risk management, including business continuity, into business models and practises through disaster-risk informed business and investments.