Joyeeta Foundation (JF) is the flagship organisation of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Government of Bangladesh (GoB). JF promotes women economic empowerment through women SME and business capacity building. In June 2021, inSights partnered with JF to undertake a feasibility study for their Divisional expansion and mobilisation of Joyeeta entrepreneur support network. Based on the feasibility study inSights developed the DPP (Development Project Proforma) and made it ready to submit to the Planning Ministry of GoB by January 2022. The project established seven regional business centres for a sustainable business platform for women entrepreneurs that encouraged them to be engaged in trade and to improve their living standards with dignity. 28,000 women entrepreneurs were facilitated, mobilised and trained up on different entrepreneurial skills like financial management, fair trade through the Divisional resource centres of Joyeeta.