The USAID Feed the Future Bangladesh Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia Mechanization Extension Activity (CSISA-MEA) in Bangladesh partnering with inSights conducted this comprehensive Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) gap analysis study in agricultural-based light engineering (ABLE) to highlight the need for enhanced gender responsiveness in agriculture mechanization policy, as well as to inform future stakeholder programming in this sector. The study had analyzed qualitative data both primary and secondary provided by stakeholders including, CSISA-MEA beneficiaries, partners and officials such as Light Engineering Sector Associations, Training Institutions, different NGOs, participating private sector actors, and other development partners.
The study was conducted during November 2022 to February 2023, examining the GESI in the ABLE sub-sector in Bangladesh. The objective of the study is to analyze the GESI gaps in CSISA-MEA partner organizations, especially in the machinery manufacturing sector and formulate an action plan to address the gaps in a possible way. Primary data was collected from six CSISA-MEA implementation districts, namely Cox's Bazar, Chottogram, Faridpur, Kushtia, Bagura and Jessore. Semi-structured and structured interviews were conducted with 21 individuals (8 women, 12 men, 1 transgender) across the study sites, and 13 FGDs were held among 28 women and 37 men to gather inputs from a range of people involved in one way or another in the ABLE sector.