
Nahid Siddiqui


Ms. Nahid Siddiqui, the honorary Chair of inSights will be responsible for analyzing and including the gender, diversity and inclusion perspective in the training. Over 14 years of experience in development sector and media, she possesses experience of working in projects to ensure gender parity, economic empowerment of women, and sexual and reproductive health and rights,elimiinating violence against women and girls and preventing early marriage. During these years, she led and conducted a number of research and studies that specifically focused on gender equality, diversity and inclusion, conflict & gender analysis in host communities, persons with disabilities in WASH, girls landscaping in Bangladesh. She also has extensive experience in carrying out several studies with BBC Media Action, Humanitarian Leadership Academy, and World Vision Bangladesh and Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Sampark Livelihood Promotion Trust, Bangalore. She has also been facilitating training on the mentioned areas since 2014. In the past, she worked for ARTICLE 19, Solidaridad Network Asia, Engender Health, BRAC, and Dhaka Residential Model College. Ms Siddiqui also possesses extensive experience strategizing programs, developing programs, fundraising, and implementing organisational policy.