
Women’s Leadership in COVID-19 Responses Baseline to track progress and impact of women’s leadership and meaningful participation in COVID-19 responses in Bangladesh

As part of UN Women’s broader project in Asia and the Pacific, ‘Women and Girls at the Centre of COVID-19 Prevention, inSights partnered with Humanitarian Advisory Group to pilot the Framework and Tools for Measuring Women’s Leadership and Meaningful Participation in COVID-19 Responses in Bangladesh. The study started in August 2021 and came out in December of 2021. The areas of the framework that are baselined are: 1) transformative leadership; 2) meaningful and safe participation; 3) collective influencing and advocacy; and 4) partnership, capacity and funding. inSights facilitate the research process with key stakeholders in-country (including women’s rights organisations, UN agencies and international NGOs, and government), gathering data through a number of methods (survey distribution and key informant interviews), and data analysis.

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